"The unlike is joined together, and from differences results the most beautiful harmony."
~ Heraclitus

Comment left by:
Lisa @ 2005-04-15 21:26:43

Oh, how I've missed your entries;)

Comment left by:
Shannon @ 2005-04-15 22:58:14

Beautiful! Wonderful entry and what a wonderful exercise for my kids and myself. =) Thank you Kim!
Love, Shannon
PS. I love where you come from. =)

Comment left by:
Kilowatt @ 2005-04-16 08:45:08

Lisa: Your heartfelt sentiments deeply touched me for I often forget the impact my writing may exert on others since very few people actually read this diaryland journal.
Lisa, you are a sparkling treasure of consistent support, encouragement, and nurturing friendship.
I thank you for the profoundly meaningful and gentle reminder of the value of my words.
Today, I wish you a mind and existence as quiet as a mountain lake at dawn. Smooth with no ripples, peaceful and at one with the world.

Shannon: My beautiful, vivacious, and compassionate friend, I am immensely grateful for your kind words. I look forward with great anticipation to be able to read your impeccably crafted poem of your unique origins.
I wish you a sheltered circle of rocks to lie down in, wrapped in soft velvet, listening to the waves whispering, "Peace."

Comment left by:
Shannon @ 2005-04-16 10:45:28

You are welcome Kim. Your writings are beautiful and your pages encourage wonderful thought.
I just realized upon returning this morning, the picture you shared is of your grandmother... what a lovely picture!!
Last evening after reading your entry ... it made me think on all the things we have shared in regards to family and the ways we were raised ... some not always so pretty. Yet from the moment I began reading you and even now ... I continue to see majestic and enchanting Palaces, glorious and lush surroundings, beautiful people and truly amazing stories.
Not only have I enjoyed where you have came from ... I have enjoyed reading and hearing how you choose to remember - the good and the not so good - and how Beauty is everywhere. We have only to see it and it is there. We have only to choose to create our own Beauty. We have only to believe ... to love ... in spite of ... and then it reaches out and affects all those we come into contact with.
I have enjoyed seeing how you continue to inspire and encourage here at Diaryland as well as how your Heart touches those in this HOME ... it reminds me of the Mother Teresa quote: "Just one, one one" =)
With my utmost respect and love,
Shannon and My Magnificent Four - Sean, Kevin, Katie and Joseph�
Each touched by one Woman's Majestic Places and Memories

Comment left by:
candoor @ 2005-04-16 23:45:33

I have come to realize, in reading you, that those who tell me I am never at a loss for words may be wrong, for while I can admit that I do not recall a time when I could not find something to say (and most times, a lot of words pour out of my head at once), there are moments when I find either too many words or just not the right words... sometimes, while reading your words, I do not feel creative or internally energized enough to say anything I feel worth posting in your diary... you deserve words that shine like stars in the sky, words that bring tears to the eyes of the hardest warriors, words that beam for all to see like a lighthouse on the highest point of land... you deserve the special, not the ordinary, the unique, not the mundane, the rare and precious, not the common everyday babble I usually put forth... of late, I've felt rather small and insignificant, ordinary, just a rambling stone in the vast stream of life... it's a good feeling, in some ways, for it is stable and safe, to blend in with everything and be carried along by random energies... and yet, I want to sing to you, to give you the eloquent praise you deserve... I want you to know that I appreciate your words and the precious consistency with which you provide light and positivity for all to see... I want you to know that I admire your tenacity, your resilience, and your fortitude as you carry your shining example for all of us... I want you to know you are an inspiration, but so much more, a breath of life, a fire that glows in my imagination even when I am away for a while... yet, even as you are a fantasy of an ideal person (perhaps not only for me), you are so real in your words that your flaws are beautiful, your concerns are passionate, your doubts are wisdoms, and your love is expressed so genuinely that stone melts... I wish I could say it better... perhaps sometimes I do not want to melt and drift off on my superficial babblings, rather than come here and face the strength and light you shine... but I still think of the words I've read here and want you to know the love your share is felt long after it is shared... as usual, I really didn't come here with anything specific to say and yet, my reading and rambling has inspired my smile... hopefully, yours too :)

Comment left by:
trypanon @ 2005-04-18 09:21:10

Wow. Thank you for writing this! I'm glad you took the time to think of the words in your poem. It's really good.

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